Objective: to spread native ads through Instagram bloggers.
Branch: Health (at the request of the client, the name of the product and the company will not be disclosed).
TA: Ukraine
Increasing brand awareness
Attracting new buyers
Increasing customer loyalty and confidence in the brand

Influencers are still a popular tool for promoting services or products. Trust in other people’s advice often overrides even traditional advertising. In this regard, the demand for Influence marketing is growing gradually every year.

However, while fighting for popularity and earnings, many bloggers can be characterized by “winding up” fake subscribers/likes/comments. Therefore, it is worth seeking help from specialists whose experience and knowledge help to bypass such “would-be influencers”.

Searching for bloggers

Having studied the services of working with influencers, we came to the conclusion that the most effective way to search is manual. Lack of a high-quality blogger base, a small percentage of representatives from Ukraine, a lack of communication through the site – these are the problems we encountered when working with blogger exchanges.

How to find bloggers?

STEP 1. Selection criteria

First of all, it is necessary to determine the criteria for selecting bloggers. At first, we asked the client with the attention to the search requirements. We strongly recommend you create a template with questions that the client will fill out before starting the search for influencers. Below is an example of a form:

In our case, the client has defined the following restrictions:

  • women;
  • with and without kids (children aged from 1 year);
  • working businesswomen;
  • important features: naturalness, absence of vulgarity, audience trust, since the blogger will be the face of advertising and the brand will be associated with them.

STEP 2. Create a letter template

Consider an introductory message to help the blogger define “What do you want?” and “What to offer you.”

Sample message:

“Good afternoon, my name is Tatiana. I represent the digital advertising agency FIVE Media. We are interested in your profile as an advertising platform. We look forward to collaborating. Tell me what are the conditions for posting a post/story on your page? “

Do not forget to send brief information about the product you want to promote and ask about available dates.

STEP 3. Search

Define the tags by it is easy to search for influencers. Find communities for influence marketing or thematic profiles-groups (for example, we were searching for Ukrainian medical bloggers). Review popular accounts and suggested recommendations for you (as in Figure 3).

Be sure to evaluate the blogger’s profile:

It is important to understand that the audience of the account is active and does not include bots. Pay attention to the Engagement Rate (ER). It is advisable to take profiles with more than 3% ER.
Read the comments below the influencers’ posts . Their absence or the presence of emojis indicates a low quality of the audience.
Evaluate your profile for ads – weed out spam accounts that advertise in every post / story.
Sign up for an account and watch the blogger for a couple of days. Thus, you can see how the influencers present advertising, what they write in posts and how they live.

STEP 4. Mailing and collection of the database

The profile description often contains contact information for cooperation with a blogger or the name of the commercial profile (with the prefix ‘PR’ or ‘cooperation’). Most influencers have a manager who will communicate with you. If there is no information about advertising in the header of your account, you can go to a Google search or write in private messages. But, as the practice has shown, in 90% of cases, you will find a way to contact a blogger on Instagram.

Preparation of requirement specification

Most people complain about ad mismatch. Therefore, it is necessary to draw up a specification document in advance in order to get the desired result.

Decide on the ad format (ad post/story)
Prepare an image in advance or indicate your wishes
Write short summaries of the text
Submit an example of a successful advertisement (if you have any)
Describe the benefits of your product/service
Specify how they should react to comments
Fix the publication date
Specify the method of payment and cooperation (contract / no contract)

Send the RS to the blogger during the approval of the advertisement and before payment in order to settle all the issues and concerns. Then, be sure to check the text and photos before posting.

Statistics of publications

Promotion results

Lots of positive comments (“Thanks for the recommendation”, “Saved the post”, “Great post! Thanks for the information”, etc.)
Reached coverage: 244 224 people.
Saved Posts: 2780
Increased demand for the brand on the Internet.


Influencer marketing is a great PR tool that helps to improve audience loyalty to a product/service, increase brand awareness, and persuade the target audience to buy.

Do you have a business that just needs advertising from bloggers? Please contact us – we will be happy to help!

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