
GEVME is an enterprise cloud-based event management and event marketing platform.

Problems our client faced:

Event management software is a highly competitive field. So to make it to the top 3 in Google search results was quite a big challenge. Another difficulty was that the website got banned once.

What we offered:

  • detailed search engine optimized content,
  • topics research,
  • hiring the writers,
  • educating the writers,
  • SEO within the website,

What we did:

Our key task was to implement content marketing to cover all search traffic from the niche + to push commercial keyword phrases with the help of content strategy and without link building.

Target audience: English-speaking world

Duration: 2010-2020 (we are still working on it)

Budget (Labor fee): $350/month

Average monthly budget: $350/month

Results: 300000+ visitors monthly

The figures speak for themselves: